Town’s Clean Team meets for the first time

Litter louts.

Alsager’s new Community Clean Team, which presented its plans at a recent meeting of the town council’s Planning, Environment and Community Committee, meets this weekend.

As we reported last week, among the team’s proposals are to temporarily close roads to traffic so that rubbish could be collected from verges. The team said the inconvenience of a road closure would “hopefully” deter drivers from throwing litter out of their car windows. It said that banning traffic would also allow walkers, cyclists and horse riders to use the empty roads for exercise during the clean-ups.

The group will stage its first litter pick on Saturday. Litter pick volunteers will wear hi-vis tabards with “Alsager Clean Team” emblazoned across them and will target grot spots.

The first picks are expected to take place in an area with high footfall so residents can see the effort being made to clean up the town. Refreshments will be provided at the end of each litter pick.

Saturday’s launch event in the town centre will run from 10am to noon followed by refreshments for volunteers at Bank Corner.

Participants should meet outside Alsager Community Support Centre – on the edge of Fairview car park (by Asda).

It is hoped monthly litter picks will be held in future – the next is planned for early in January.