Station group appeals for public photo votes

Friends of Goostrey Station.

Friends of Goostrey Station (FoGS) this week said it was “excited” that its work had again been recognised by a national organisation.

The comment came as a photo of Goostrey Beavers “Doing Their Best” was in the running for the award for a picture that captured the essence of community rail.

FoGS member Christina Burgess said: “In 2019, we were proud to win this category and last year we were runners-up.

“We’re encouraging friends and family to support our enthusiastic volunteers by choosing our photo.”

To vote, visit or Voting is open until 29th January.

The 2024 winner will be announced at the Community Rail Award ceremony at Swansea Arena on 18th March.

This year, FoGS also achieved enough points to be in the platinum group for It’s Your Station.

This reflects all the work carried out throughout the year. Credit is given for gardening, sustainability, artwork and engagement with the community.

Chair of FoGS Craig Sidebotham commented: “Previously we’ve achieved gold, but this year we reached the top level. Thanks go to everyone who helped in any way.”

For more information about FoGS, visit the website, which includes a section about Goostrey Art Studio, which is led by Debbie Goldsmith from the restored station building.