Stalls united for charities


A wet and windy morning did not prevent a united charities market making more than £800.

High Sheriff of Staffordshire Julie Mitchell was the guest of honour at the event at Biddulph Methodist Church.

United Charities market organiser John Bamford said: “It was a splendid atmosphere and certainly the high sheriff was very impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication of the volunteers of all the different charities.

“They all turned out on a wet windy morning to do their bit to raise what they could.

“By coming together and supporting each other the event was as successful as it could be.”

Brownie Emily Brough, (9), accepted the silver award for her achievements so far with Brownies.

Mr Bamford said: “She’s the first one in her Brownie pack to receive the silver award. Her parents were thrilled to bits to receive it from the high sheriff who spent time chatting with her afterwards.”

John Robinson, Biddulph town crier, made a short speech in which he thanked the high sheriff for her attendance and he praised the organisers and thanked everyone for their contributions.

(Photo: Judy Darnell).