Seahorses make a splash for charity

Four members of Seahorse Swimming Club, founded in 1956 for people with disabilities and assisted needs, challenged themselves during September, October and November to swim a total of 2,000 lengths (more than 30 miles) of the swimming pool at Crewe Lifestyle Centre (writes Jonathan White).

Club volunteer Darren Shenton swam alongside three swimmers, who have a range of disabilities, to give them support and encouragement. The trio have now completed their challenge and have raised £450 for the BBC Children in Need Appeal.

Club secretary Gareth Roberts said: “The swimmers have been amazing with their efforts and have shown great determination to complete this challenge.”

They were congratulated by the deputy mayor of Crewe, Coun Dennis Straine-Francis.
Seahorse Swimming Club caters for people of all ages who have a wide variety of disabilities.

The swimming ability of members is mixed and most achieve a great deal in the water, whether it’s swimming one width or 50 lengths of the pool or competing in the Halliwick galas.

Members enjoy days out and take part in events to celebrate special occasions, such as Christmas and the club’s anniversaries.

For further information, visit

(Photo: Jonathan White).