Rusty road signs not so welcoming

rusty road signs.

All signs pointed towards Biddulph’s “tired looking” welcome displays getting an update this week, as quotes were sought for their replacements.

The two signs that currently greet visitors on the way into and out of the town have grown rusty, with some arguing that new ones were needed to display recent achievements.

Town councillors agreed to look into purchasing new signs at a meeting last Tuesday and suggested they included details of Biddulph’s Fairtrade status, Dementia Friendly work and recent In Bloom wins.

Chief officer Sarah Haydon told members of the Town and Community Committee: “We have previously talked about replacing the black and gold signs at either end of the town.

“At the moment they are very tired looking and there is quite a significant amount of rust on them.”

It was agreed that the council would get quotes for powder coated aluminium signs, similar to an existing sign at Woodhouse Burial Ground, before making a final decision at a future meeting.