Residents are urged to ‘show the air you care’

clear sky

Cheshire East Council has urged people to “show the air you care” and take steps to improve air quality – to boost their health and the environment.

Clean air day (16th June) will see schools, workplaces and communities across the borough and UK raise awareness of air quality and inspire people to take simple steps to tackle air pollution and help protect the environment and the health of everyone.

This year’s theme is “air pollution dirties every organ in your body – so take steps to improve your health this clean air day”.

Cheshire East Council said it was committed to improving air quality in the borough and it has taken numerous actions to achieve this. They include creating active travel schemes to encourage cycling, walking and scooting in communities and locations across the borough; promoting electric and greener vehicles; producing and implementing an air quality action plan; delivering air quality talks in schools; and creating a dedicated awareness page on its website.

The council said these actions would “have a real impact on reducing air pollution” and added: “But the actions of individuals and communities can have just as much impact on improving air quality.”

The council said it wanted to inspire its staff, partners and local residents to take simple actions to help reduce air pollution and limit its impact on people’s health.

Coun Mick Warren, chair of Cheshire East Council’s Environment and Communities Committee, said: “Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK. Reducing air pollution and improving the air we breathe is a priority for this council.

“Science shows us that air pollution can impact health in various negative ways – not just of the more vulnerable, but of everybody. It shortens lives and contributes towards chronic illnesses.

“But tackling air pollution is not simply the responsibility of the council – the choices and actions and actions we take, as individuals and communities, also play a very important role in tackling air pollution.

“We can all do something to reduce pollution to benefit our health, communities and planet. Walking or cycling short trips instead of driving are great ways to get some exercise, help everyone breathe cleaner air and reconnect with our local communities.”

Actions for clean air day
• Leave the car at home: walk, cycle or take public transport to work or school, or work from home if possible;
• Don’t idle: turn off the engine when a vehicle is stationary and it is safe to do so;
• Discover the side streets: use quieter streets when on a bike or on foot to avoid polluted main roads;
• Go electric: hire an electric car, taxi or test drive an electric vehicle;
• Only burn dry, well-seasoned wood or smokeless fuel on stoves, open fires or barbecues; and
• Create awareness by speaking to someone about air pollution and its impact on health.

For more information on how to get involved in clean air day, visit