Public meeting hears about ‘frightening’ incidents in villages

Brown Edge.

Frightened families have called police after finding a “homeless” man “sleeping on their drive” and “standing in their kitchen”, a public meeting head.

The Brown Edge meeting heard that Staffordshire Police had logged eight incidents relating to the man, who has also reportedly been staring through people’s windows and appearing in their gardens, (ITALICS writes local democracy reporter Richard Price).

The man has been arrested on three occasions following calls. Incidents have been reported in not only Brown Edge but Baddeley Green and Milton as well as in the villages of Endon, Stockton Brook, Bagnall and Stanley.

Community leaders and police held the public meeting to hear residents’ concerns.

Coun Joe Porter said: “We set up the meeting to give members of the public the opportunity to ask questions and discuss community safety concerns surrounding a homeless man.

“There have been a lot of concerns in the community in recent weeks regarding this individual and we, as councillors, have worked hard to listen to residents and ensure the police deal with this matter and take it seriously.

“I’d like to thank the local policing team for pledging to act in the strongest way they can to deal with the ongoing issues. One big issue is the safety of schoolchildren and families and at the meeting I ensured officers heard those concerns in particular.”

Coun Keith Flunder said: “This has provided an outlet for residents and also information gathering. The idea is having people come together, express their concerns, give some more information to the police, and let the police engage with residents directly.

“I’m fearful of what might happen if these things are allowed to fester and continue for months and months without the general public and residents knowing what’s going on.”

To report any issues call Staffordshire Police on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.