Public can soon Zoom town’s annual meeting


The virtual Congleton annual town meeting takes place on Thursday, 8th April.
Congleton people are invited to attend the annual town meeting, which will take place on Zoom, starting promptly at 7pm.

This is not a council meeting but an opportunity for the people of Congleton to make comments or ask questions about any aspect of town life. The meeting must be held before the end of May each year.

The meeting will be chaired by town mayor Coun Sally Ann Holland who will open it with a summary of what has been achieved in the past year.

There will be reports about:
• Congleton Waste Recycling Centre
• Congleton Neighbourhood Plan
• Covid-19 pandemic and
• Climate change emergency.

They will be followed by a question and answer session on the items for discussion, and then an open session where anyone can ask questions and raise issues that concern Congleton.

If anyone would like to speak about an item, the council said it would be helpful if they could submit questions or comments in advance to Congleton Town Council either by post to: Congleton Town Hall, High Street, CW12 1BN, email or telephone 01260 270 350.

People should give their name, address and contact details, specifying if they prefer to ask their question in person during the Zoom meeting or have it read out.

Questions may need to be limited to fit with the available time. The meeting is expected to close at 8.30pm.

Chief officer David McGifford said: “The annual town meeting is a great chance for local people to get together and raise questions about issues affecting the town.

“It is not a council meeting, and any councillors attending have the same rights as everyone else in the room. Issues raised in the meeting will be picked up by the council or forwarded to the appropriate organisation for consideration.

“I hope that many Congleton residents and representatives from local organisations will take the time to log into the meeting.”

Participants can join the Zoom meeting by entering the meeting ID 893 4110 0948 and the passcode 941684.