Past and present at history day


“The future of Cheshire’s past” is the title of a history day on Saturday, 19th October organised by Cheshire Local History Association.
The whole-day event (9.30am to 4.30pm) will be held at the Grange Theatre, Hartford near Northwich.
The principal speakers include Paul Newman, archives and heritage manager at Chester, who will explain the future of Cheshire archives with the forthcoming move to two sites.
Mark Leah, who has been providing archaeological advice in Cheshire for the past 25 years, will make a presentation entitled “Revealing Cheshire’s Past” and will look at recent work on Roman sites at Chester and Middlewich.
Finds liaison officer Susie White will look at engaging finder groups, local museums and communities in reporting and recording finds.
The event will conclude with a talk by the history association’s Graeme White and Sharon Varey entitled “Cheshire History: Past, Present and Future.”
There will be book stalls and society displays and tea/coffee facilities. Visitors should take their own lunch. There is ample car parking nearby.
For more information and booking details, visit