Nearly half a century helping poorly pets

Linda Rogers is presented with a bouquet of flowers by Marcus Johnstone.
Ms Rogers is presented with a bouquet of flowers by Marcus Johnstone, clinical director at Biddulph.

A local vets’ practice recently bid a fond farewell to an employee who retired after 48 years.

Receptionist Linda Rogers had clocked up almost half a century of service when she said goodbye to colleagues and clients at Charter Vets on Congleton Road, Biddulph.

She joined the practice in 1973 when it was known as Sims and Partners, starting out as a secretary before expanding her role to help nurse sick animals. She took on the role of receptionist in 1987.

She said she had many happy memories from the past 48 years, but the most memorable was being called on to assist with an operation on a dog that had been badly injured in a crash.

“It was at the start of my career and I was working in the office on a Saturday,” she said. “Frank Sims, the vet who ran the practice in those days, asked if I could help with an emergency that had arrived at the surgery.

“In the operating theatre was a great Dane with a badly injured leg that needed to be pinned. Helping Mr Sims was an amazing experience but at one point I fainted. I was embarrassed but he told me it was the sign of someone who cared a lot for animals and that I would make a good nurse, and so my career changed.”

She added that things were very different now from her early days at the practice, when she was paid just 23p an hour.

“When I started, there were no computers or mobile phones, and we had to type everything out on a typewriter and call farms and clients to get hold of vets who were out on call. Now we have all the latest technology and equipment to help people’s pets get better,” she said.

She was presented with a floral bouquet on the day of her retirement.

“I’ll really miss everyone, not only at Biddulph but at all the other Charter practices, too,” she said.

“We have shared a lot of great times together. I feel proud not only to call them colleagues but friends as well and I know we’ll stay in touch. I’ll miss the clients, too, many of whom I’m on first name terms with as they’ve been coming to Charter Vets for nearly as long as I’ve worked here!”