My Life Story: Loving You Is Killing Me


I feel the need to review all albums we are sent – especially physical copies – but some are harder.
My Life Story’s album is perfectly decent, well played and has some catchy moments, but it brings nothing new to any tables; mind you, there are scores of melodic heavy rock bands who leave me baffled, from Hanoi Rocks to Motley Crue. My Life Story had some success in the mid to late 1990s as part of the Britpop era (me neither) and they are/were all proper musicians: original drummer Jason Cooper joined The Cure and is still there.
Opening track “Running Out of Heartbeats” is ok, an 80s vibe and fairly catchy, and “I’m A God” sounds like a B-side from a radio friendly trans-Atlantic supergroup; it and “Tits and Attitude” suggest some attempt at deep lyrics but “Tits” gets no deeper than “I slink and linger round the finger food” and “God” lists all the fake gods we might worship but never makes a point, it’s just a list.
They do hit some high spots – the chorus on “Numb Numb Numb” for example – but on the whole the finished product is less than the sum of the effort, musical chops and cash (they’ve raised funding themselves and it’s a nice CD package) merit or deserve. Still, fans of heavier pop rock (Snow Patrol) and melodic rock might like to sample “Running Out of Heartbeats” or “Numb Numb Numb”.
Friday, 6th December sees them at the Quarry, Liverpool.