Moves afoot to reignite support for Fairtrade

Fairtrade relaunch.

A bid to re-ignite Alsager’s support of Fairtrade products is being made in 2025.
For years the town backed the global campaign, which aims to uphold fair production standards and practices and for people to pay fair prices to producers.

Signs on the main roads into Alsager let visitors know they were entering a “Fairtrade town” and in 2020 the Fairtrade Foundation made Alsager Fairtrade community of the month recognising the “hard work and campaigning” of Alsager Fairtrade Steering Group.

But those who had run the group for 20 years want to step back and now the town council is aiming to drive the initiative forward, with the support of Alsager residents, existing businesses and Sainsbury’s, whose new store off Linley Lane is due to open in the spring.

The town was first granted Fairtrade status in 2007 and this was last renewed in 2020, the town having been re-accredited every three years.

A report prepared by the town council outlined how there were now only a few shops and cafes in Alsager that sold or served Fairtrade goods, while the “Fairtrade Town” had been replaced by Fairtrade Community status.

As a result, the town council resolved to apply for the status.

Officers have begun the application process to move from the community group to the town council via the Fairtrade portal.

However, the application cannot be progressed until a steering group is established.

The original group suggested that when it took over, the town council worked in collaboration with the ELF (Ethical, Local and Fairtrade) group at Wesley Place Methodist Church to ensure “cohesion” within the town.

The report said there was also an opportunity to work with Sainsbury’s as its stores sold Fairtrade products.

A resolution request at a town council meeting on Tuesday was that it applied for Fairtrade Community status and supported the relaunch of the Alsager Fairtrade Working Group and that the group investigated whether to recommend a change to the “welcome” signs on Alsager’s main access roads.

A town council report produced earlier in 2024 said that to continue with Alsager Fairtrade Community status “shows that Alsager Town Council continues rather than fails to support Fairtrade goals”.

These are: “As an international movement and in partnership with two million farmers and workers, Fairtrade has a vision of a world in which all producers enjoy secure and sustainable livelihoods, fulfil their potential, and decide on their future.”

Fairtrade works with farmers and workers in more than 1,900 producer organisations, across 70 countries, so they can improve their living standards, invest in their communities and businesses, and protect their shared environment.

This is achieved by “rallying a global community of millions – farmers and workers, supply chain partners, brands, retailers, shoppers, schools, governments – to pay fair prices and uphold fair production standards and practices. Fair prices provide an immediate lifeline for farmers and workers struggling with low incomes and disadvantaged by global trade.

The council report said that since Tradecraft (who supplied a wide range of Fairtrade goods) ceased trading in 2023, it has been harder to source (from a one-stop supplier) and therefore promote Fairtrade goods.

It added: “There has been a subsequent loss of momentum which can be improved by promotion of Fairtrade goals and goods, with the help of the new Sainsbury’s store, among local shops, cafes, bars and restaurants.”

Referring to Asda in the town centre the report added: “Sainsbury’s is a major retailer of Fairtrade goods. Asda is not.”

Moving forward, the town council could stage a one-off event to relaunch the Fairtrade Steering Group, the aim being to attract new Alsager residents as volunteers to improve awareness of Fairtrade goals.