Locals asked to report vandalism and fly-tipping

Smallwood Parish Council.

Smallwood Parish Council has asked residents to report damage or fly-tipping in the village to the police.

The August meeting of the council was told that a resident had reported that items had been damaged including a letterbox and a window. It was reported that there had been fly-tipping in the village on property that did not belong to the council.

Mill Lane was going to be closed 4th to 8th December to repair a safety barrier.

Coun Michael Bracegirdle had obtained quotes for a new noticeboard along the wall by school and it was decided to get a similar one to the one the church was getting.

Clerk Helen Baker was asked to report that the hedge and pavement on the A50 between Legs of Man and Bull’s Head needed attention. Back Lane between the Legs of Man pub and children’s nursery also had a lot of potholes.

The minutes this report is based on will not be ratified until the next meeting of the council, on Monday, 18th September at Smallwood Village Hall.