Little litter-picker’s mission to tidy town


Eight-year-old Alsager litter-picker Finlay Ellis’ message to those who drop litter is: “Be more considerate and use the bins for your rubbish.”
And armed with his own litter-picking tool and bin bags and accompanied by dad Colin Jones, Finlay has helped to clean up Alsager’s Milton Park, where he managed to fill one bag alone.
Mum Jayne Ellis said: “Finlay just decided one morning at the weekend that he wanted to go litter-picking as he has seen people leaving litter, thought it wasn’t nice and said he wanted to make a difference to clean up Alsager.
“He was very proud of what he was doing and wants others to be more considerate and use the bins for their rubbish.”
Added Ms Ellis: “This was something he chose to do off his own back and was chuffed to go out around his home town and help to tidy it up.
“Finlay has a litter-picking tool and thinks it’s great fun. Anyone can make a small change and prevent the mess and hurt litter causes to some animals.”
(Photo: Jayne Ellis).