‘It takes a community’ say police after Easter revellers leave a mess

Litter louts.

A “selfish” minority congregating in the sun have been criticised for leaving a mess behind at a site of special scientific interest.

Cheshire Police’s rural crime team posted images on social media of a Cheshire East ranger clearing up the mess left at the Dane-in-Shaw Pastures SSSI site in Congleton after “selfish people” set numerous fires and littered the area.

Commented the police: “Sadly, as a team, we can’t be everywhere all the time and we are looking for support from you to teach your families about how to respect and look after the countryside. We all have a duty of care for it.”

The police praised a local resident who went out on a daily litter pick of the site, saying he was “mortified” to see how people were treating “such a wonderful asset” for the town.

Police warned of broken glass widely spread across the ground.

“It takes a community to solve an issue not just the police,” the post added.

Cheshire Police later said that one man had an early wakeup call having left his ID behind in the mess. He has been told he needed to go back and help clean up the mess.

Police warned that there was a still a national lockdown in place, and £200 covid fines could be issued.