Flevans: A Short Distance To Fall


Flevans is a multi-instrumentalist, DJ and, according to his Bandcamp, with an “accessible style” that straddles funk, breaks, soul and electronica. That really saves writing any review, because that’s about what it is. Still, we get paid by the word so …

It’s a really good album, nudging in as our contender for album of the year (based on pleasure in playing and not originality or anything clever). If the combination of accessibility, funk, breaks, soul and electronica sounds familiar it’s because it’s been done once, very successfully: by Moby, with Play. This has less in the way of looped vocals but its sample-heavy, very easy to listen to and has songs that sound instantly familiar, as well as having a groove that gets under your skin.

Fair enough it’s never challenging but it’s fun to listen to. The sound varies from rather going-nowhere instrumentals to songs such as Parasol, which sounds like a Phil Collins soul number with the vocals removed.

Standouts are the dreamy For A While, the Moby-ish Legacy Spiral and the classic club sound of Digital. The trip-hoppy In The Shadows is also good, although explaining to children what the crackling vinyl effect at the start was proved difficult. Excellent, chilled and entertaining.

See Bandcamp