Don’t forget to take census this Sunday


Census 2021 is taking place on Sunday, and residents across the area are being encouraged to make sure they complete the survey.

The census, organised by the Office for National Statistics, happens every 10 years and gives the most accurate picture of the population and how people live.

The information provided is used to help decide how local public services including education, healthcare and transport are planned and funded.

This year’s census is the first to be mainly online and households should have received an information pack containing a 16-digit access code to enable them to access the survey.

“A successful census will help give the best picture of the needs of everyone living in England and Wales,” said Iain Bell, deputy national statistician at the Office for National Statistics.

“It helps us understand what our society needs now and what it will likely need in the future. We’ve had a fantastic response so far, with so many of you completing the questionnaire on your laptops, phones and computers.

“It takes just 10 minutes per person to take part and if you can’t get online, there are paper forms available for those who need them. Now is the time to make your mark on history.”

The results from the census will be available within 12 months, although personal records will be locked away for 100 years, kept safe for future generations.

Jane Burns, executive director of corporate services for Cheshire East Council, said: “We are delighted to be helping the ONS in their delivery of Census 2021 in these extremely challenging times.

“The ways we’ve supported the census in 2021 have been very different due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, but the importance of securing a positive response from our residents is crucial.

“I cannot emphasise enough just how vital it is that everyone completes their survey, so that we can understand as much as possible about tailoring the services we deliver to residents’ needs.”

To receive the census guidance in another language or to receive the census in a different accessible format, such as large print or braille, visit or call the ONS contact centre on 0800 141 2021.