Don’t forget to take census this Sunday


Census 2021 is taking place on Sunday, and residents across the area are being encouraged to make sure they complete the survey.

The census, organised by the Office for National Statistics, happens every 10 years and gives the most accurate picture of the population and how people live.

The information provided is used to help decide how local public services including education, healthcare and transport are planned and funded.

This year’s census is the first to be mainly online and households should have received an information pack containing a 16-digit access code to enable them to access the survey.

Coun Sybil Ralphs, the leader of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council, said: “The information collected via the census helps to decide where public money is spent and to plan key public services – by completing it you’ll be helping to make sure your community gets the services it needs.

“That’s why it’s important that as many of us as possible in the Moorlands complete the census this month. Please look out for your pack and make sure you have it to hand when completing the survey.

“The information you provide remains confidential for 100 years and the personal details you give are protected by law. You cannot be identified in the statistics published so you can complete the census with confidence.

“There’s more information on our website and I would encourage everyone across the district to take part in the census this year – it will help us to understand and shape the services we all need.”

The census has been conducted since 1801, allowing the Government to have accurate data that helps shape policy. The Census website reads: “You must complete the census by law. If you do not, or if you supply false information, you could be fined up to £1,000.”

To receive the census guidance in another language or to receive the census in a different accessible format, such as large print or braille, visit or call the ONS contact centre on 0800 141 2021.