Donations helped 210 kids enjoy Christmas Day

Alsager toy appeal.

The care and generosity of local people has been praised after the success of this year’s Alsager Christmas Toy appeal.

Some 210 children had presents to open on Christmas Day, after people were asked to buy an extra toy or gift for local youngsters whose families are going through a difficult time.

The gifts were distributed to children mostly in Alsager, but also in the surrounding areas following referrals, from local schools, churches, social workers, and Alsager Foodbank.

The Christmas Toy appeal is a project of Alsager Community Support organised by local toy appeal co-ordinators Teresa and Don Longhurst. This year the toys were prepared by a group of volunteers, for distribution at Alsager Guide Hall.

Mr and Mrs Longhurst said: “We are continually amazed by the generosity of the local residents, schools, businesses, churches who donate toys, gifts, wrapping paper and chocolate treats.

“This allowed the appeal to give toys and gifts to over 210 children to open on Christmas Day.

“Despite the very challenging times we are all facing, the response to the appeal again this year has been very good, and it demonstrates what a caring community Alsager is. We would like to thank all those who donated and helped us with the appeal this year.”

Liz Pinkney, trustee and manager of Alsager Community Support, said: “This is the eighth year of our toy appeal, and once again we have been overwhelmed by the kindness of so many local people who have thought of others and have brought toys and gifts for us to pass on.

“We are very thankful for Don and Teresa and their team of helpers, who have once again taken on the task of organising this huge operation on behalf of ACS. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all our supporters a merry Christmas and a happy new year.”

Alsager Community Support is located at (new address) 19-21, Crewe Road, Alsager, ST7 2EW. The entrance is located on the left-hand side of The Vault (immediately to the right of Sainsbury’s). It is open from 9.30am to 12.30pm on weekdays. For more information, email