Clonter fair raised £4,000 for charity


Clonter has thanked all the volunteers and entertainers, who gave their services for free on Sunday at its annual fair and car boot.
There were more car-booters than ever before, with more than 500 people attending (469 adults and 79 children), and, thanks to the fair’s “wonderful volunteers”, everyone seemed to have a very good time, helped hugely by the good weather, said an organiser.
The dog show saw people take along their pooches to take part in the waggiest tail, longest ears, best rescue, golden oldie and best in show contests.
The sports day was even more popular than before, with an egg and spoon, wheelbarrow, three-legged and sack race.
The day was compered by Dane Sound Radio, with a good dollop of Elvis, keeping the Clonter management and tearoom ladies very happy, with live music provided by Eric Newton, also known as Busker Newton, Dan and Mari aka Small Horse and The Plan. Providing the grand finale was the 16-strong Biddulph and District Community Orchestra.
Thanks went to Congleton Beartown Classic Car Club for taking its cars to welcome the punters as they came through the gates.
A little over £4,000 has been raised to be split between the Clonter Farm Music Trust to help with its Clonter 50th Appeal, and Visyon, the charity that supports emotional health in young people and their families across the area.
(Photo: Dane Sound and Clonter).