Bromley Time Out group restarts after pandemic

Group members and volunteers playing dominoes after lunch.
Group members and volunteers playing dominoes after lunch.

The Bromley Farm Time Out Group, which relaunched earlier this year, is now gaining new members and offering support for people who live alone.

The group missed two years during the pandemic, started slowly after being restarted but has steadily grown over the last few months, with eight new members (the maximum) enjoying a range of activities and a hot meal.

A volunteer team led by Margaret Butcher includes those who have been involved for many years plus new volunteers, who have supported nine TOG members so far, with others starting soon.

The group offers those living with dementia the opportunity to have time out from home, giving their carers a break at the same time.

The team not only delivers a five-hour session each week, but also offers support and guidance to carers who are struggling to find other support for their loved ones.

Glen Williams, who cooks the lunch for the group, said: “It is a delight to see those living with dementia really enjoying themselves each week.

“They have all thoroughly enjoyed playing games and singing songs together. The volunteers are a dedicated, wonderful set of people and I thank Margaret, Susie, Anne, David, Gordon and Hilary who interact with the members and their carers in such a caring, supportive and compassionate way.

“The volunteers are a clear demonstration of what Bromley Farm Community Development Trust is about.”

The group started again weekly on a Thursday from the end of March and during the last six months has provided the same experience as before the pandemic. The group meets at Bromley Farm Community Centre 10am–3pm and is a regular booked service costing £20 per week, which includes a hot lunch.

The Time Out Group helps to improve people’s confidence and make them feel motivated by doing some fun activities, encouraging chat with others in a similar situation and offering advice, compassion and knowledgeable volunteers to support with most things.

The activity and chat based group is aimed at those with early onset dementia, providing in a safe place to relax where people can reminisce and share experiences.

Activities include singing and music, quizzes, gentle exercise, arts and crafts, games, puzzles and day trips.

Members are served a hot lunch, and refreshments throughout the day.

To find out more information, have a chat, offer to volunteer or to book a place, contact Margaret Butcher or Glen Williams on 01260 279 707 or email

The group is supported by Cheshire East Council and has over 15 years of experience.