‘Bargain Hunt’ star gives talk


Tim Wonnacott, of “Bargain Hunt” fame, is appearing at Clonter next month to give a talk on “Arias and Antiques”.
It is not only Clonter’s 50th anniversary but also Wonnacott’s 50th year in the antique business. The event will be combined with a ploughman’s lunch, which will include a glass of wine.
Wonnacott’s career at Sotheby’s spanned 25 years, firstly in the furniture department in London and later embracing most of the decorative arts, including clocks, barometers, 19th century sculpture and works of art, ceramics and silver. He has conducted auction sales throughout the UK, North America and such far-flung places as India. He ended his 25 years at Sotheby’s having worked as chairman of Sotheby’s saleroom at Olympia in London.
He first started appearing regularly on television in the early 1990s on the BBC’s “Antiques Roadshow”. Subsequently he appeared regularly on several BBC antiques shows including “The Great Antiques Hunt”, “Going Going Gone” and “The Antiques Show”.
He lectures on a wide variety of subjects relating to art, antiques and history for corporate clients, including the cruise and leisure industry.
In January 2003, he took over as presenter of “Bargain Hunt”, presenting nearly 1,300 programmes until January 2016.
He has been married to Helen for nearly 40 years, has become a grandfather of three and remains an avid collector of the obscure and curious.
Tickets for the talk on Thursday, 24th October (11.15am) are £40 (£70 for two). They include tea/coffee and a biscuit on arrival, and a ploughman’s lunch and a glass of wine. Doors open at 10.30am and the talk starts at 11.15am, with a one-hour lunch served at 12.30pm. Clonter is at Swettenham Heath on the outskirts of Congleton.