Alsager toy appeal is launched


Alsager folk are being asked to buy an extra toy or gift this Christmas, to give to a child in the local area whose family is going through a difficult time.

Last year, the appeal was able to give a bag of toys and gifts to 215 children in 100 local families in need. This year it is anticipated that the need will be even greater, with the energy cost increases and cost of living crisis.

Gifts should be taken to Alsager Community Support Centre, (Fairview (Civic) car park next to the Community Church) 01270 876605 on weekdays 9.30am–12.30pm; Monday–Wednesday 28th, 29th and 30th November; Thursday, 1st and Friday, 2nd December, then Monday, 5th to Friday, 9th December or to Alsager Guide Hall on Cedar Avenue on Friday, 1pm to 4pm.

Alternatively, call 01270 88 4461 or email to make alternative arrangements. Wrapping paper, tags and sticky tape are also very welcome.