Admin error leaves new man Colin with no seat


An “administrative error” has left a democratically elected Sandbach resident barred from joining the town council.
The “foul-up” arose after 299 people had voted for Labour candidate Colin Storey in the Elworth by-election at the end of August, which came at a cost of £15,000 to the taxpayer.
After a packed emergency meeting held in the wake of the error last Monday, members of the public said they felt “threatened and intimidated” into not calling for a second election, to save the council a further £15,000.
Speaking from the public gallery during the meeting, Mr Storey said he felt “disgusted and infuriated” about the way he had been treated.
In an email sent to town councillors on Thursday, town council chief officer Ceri Lloyd said: “Over recent days it has come to our attention that, due to an administrative error, the paperwork for the newly-elected Elworth councillor has not been completed.
“As a result, I am sorry to advise that Colin cannot take the role of councillor and there is now a vacancy in Elworth ward.”
Under electoral law, the vacancy must be advertised by the council for 14 days, during which time residents have an opportunity to write to Cheshire East Council to request a by-election.
If 10 or more requests are received, the election is triggered.
If an election is not called during this time, the council is free to co-opt a new councillor through a members’ vote, which costs the taxpayer nothing.
Two by-elections have been held in Sandbach since June, the first in Ettiley Heath and Wheelock which saw the appointment of Coun Sandrene Wright and the second in Elworth, won by Mr Storey. The total cost for both elections was around £30,000.
Speaking as chair during Monday’s meeting, Coun Ann Nevitt, apologised on behalf of the council.
She said: “Unfortunately, the Electoral Commission has said we have to run another election or co-option, which will be decided over the next 14 days.
“I’d like to apologise on behalf of the council to Colin Storey. This has been very disappointing and embarrassing.”

This story first appeared in the “Sandbach Chronicle” last week, and this week town councillor Dave Poole, in a letter to the “Chronicle”, said no one person was to blame.
Coun Poole said: “Under the Local Government Act, it is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure the paperwork is completed in a timely manner.
“(But) as Colin is a party member, one would expect that his group members would direct him over the next steps. Why did they fail in their guidance? And why did town council staff not prompt Colin or chase him up?”
He added: “When I was first elected as an Independent I had no party to direct me but still managed to complete the papers.”
During the section of the meeting – when members of the public were allowed to speak – Mr Storey said: “The more I’ve thought about this and the more I’ve talked about it, it infuriates me and I’m disgusted about the way I’ve been treated.” Former councillor Richard Hoffman said: “I’m really annoyed that there’s been an admin error. I served between 2011 and 2023. The few times we had by-elections, all paperwork was done normally and with no error.
“I’ve no idea how you’ve managed to make such a foul-up of this and hope you can persuade residents of Elworth ward that we’ve spent money on it, so please don’t go around finding 10 names to have yet another by-election, just put Colin on the council and let’s save £12,000, eh?”
Couns Mike Muldoon, Mark Mitchell, Luke MacGregor, Sam Corcoran, John Beddows and John Arnold all made separate pleas to the public not to call another by-election.
Coun Beddows said: “I would certainly never say people should not exercise their right to vote. I would just ask them to consider what impact it will have on the council’s finances.”
Coun Arnold said the cost of an election was not £12,000, but closer to £15,000.
He said: “We don’t automatically have to have another election. If people choose to sign (to have another election) then their names are a matter of public record. It will cost us another £15,000 and we will have two elections in a couple of weeks. I think it’s a terrible waste of money and makes a mockery of the democratic process.”

After the meeting, Elworth resident Helen Merrick told the “Chronicle” she was considering requesting another by-election.
She said: “I think the whole council needs a total shake-up. I don’t think they understand what a council should be doing. There is too much party politics.”
Mr Storey, who was leaning against the wall outside the town hall after the meeting, was told by a man leaving the building that he too planned to write to Cheshire East to request a by-election.
A Sandbach Labour Group spokesperson said: “The voters of Elworth made their feelings plain in granting Colin Storey a decisive electoral victory mere weeks ago. There has been an administrative error that has prevented him from being appropriately installed as a councillor.
“That error is currently being investigated, but our opponents appear to be trying to exploit it for political gain.
“The money we spend at Sandbach Town Council is hard earned by local voters, and it is hard to imagine that they want £15,000 of it to be spent on re-running that election, when it could be spent on improving our parks and other community activities.” Elworth residents have until Thursday, 17th October to write to Cheshire East Council to request a by-election.