A chance for villagers to help on the big day


At the April meeting of Brereton Parish Council it was agreed to co-op Mandy Wearne as a new parish councillor.

The existing councillors welcomed Coun Wearne to the parish team and said they looked forward to working with her.

There are two remaining parish councillor vacancies, which hopefully will be filled soon.
Congleton councillor Robert Douglas told the meeting that fly-tipping costs had quadrupled since the Congleton site closed in September 2021. Coun Douglas has asked Cheshire East Council to share its reports with regards to alternative recycling locations.

Several members of the public attended the meeting to raise concerns.

The footpath from Brereton Heath Lane to Smethwick Lane was reported to be blocked. A concern regarding the safety of pedestrians crossing the A54 at Davenport Lane was raised, as the footfall seems to be increasing. The parish council will propose to Cheshire East Council that signage be installed in this area.

Brereton Heath Lane residents expressed a desire to reduce the speed limit on the road, and speed issues on several other roads were discussed. The parish council said it was “very concerned” about this issue across the parish and wanted to follow it up with Cheshire East following the recent adoption of a new Cheshire East speed management policy.

The lack of a usable footpath on the A50 connecting Brereton Green to the Bluebell Green estate was raised. The parish council said it was working with the developer and with Cheshire East to use the money that has already been given for highways improvements for safer pedestrian, cycling and vehicle traffic.

The council agreed that the footpath needed scraping back and a new section was needed, as there was an area by the lay-bys with no footpath that forced pedestrians to walk on the A50.

The clerk reported that the damaged street signs on Back Lane had been reported after a road traffic accident, and highways have acknowledged this.

The meeting heard that last month’s Sibelco sand quarry exhibition at Somerford Farm was well attended by local people. Sibelco has not yet submitted a planning application but is planning to do so soon.

The parish council had been told that the Brereton foodbank was running low and was in need of donations. The foodbank has been established for the past three years. The parish council agreed to donate a cash sum to aid the re-stocking of the foodbank.

Preparation for the King’s coronation is well underway with plans for parish bunting to be erected and a church service for all ages to be held at St Oswald’s on Sunday, 7th May.

The chair, Coun Andy Lindsay, will attend the service on behalf of the parish council. There will be a coronation-themed school picture competition for the pupils at Brereton Primary School, judged by parish council members. A coronation gift – a commemorative pin badge – will be provided by the parish council to all Brereton primary school pupils.

On the bank holiday, Monday 8th May, volunteering opportunities will be available within the parish from 10.30am-12.30pm.

Residents will be encouraged to go down to the primary school during this time to volunteer to participate in a task within the community or leave their details for a task in the near future.

Elsewhere, two planning applications were discussed; one, for a change of use of an existing building, received no comment as the parish had supported the previous planning application.

The second application for a covered agricultural storage area was supported in principle, providing a particular documented point within the plan was strictly adhered to.
Brereton Parish Council meetings are held monthly at Brereton Primary School.

The next meeting will at 7.30pm on Monday, 15th May. The minutes this report is based on will not be ratified until the next meeting.

All are welcome to attend all or just part of the meeting. and input in the public forum session.

See the parish notice boards at Bluebell Green, Brereton Green, and Brereton Heath or breretonparishcouncil.org.uk.